By taking a little of each of these strategies and trying them out. Diversify your portfolio and make wise choices when choosing your investments – especially when you’re in retirement or preparing for retirement.

You have many tools available - I introduced what the others don't want you to know that has actually been around 150+ years!


The stock market and other traditional ways of growing your money have it's pros and cons. That's to be expected. 

However, recent worldwide events have caused most people to look and their financial situation, financial security, and your protected growth options in a different light. 

I am the Safe Investment Expert and I created the Safe Investments Academy  so that you will know that you have the ability to strive and not just survive through SAGE INVESTMENTS

Our parents didn't teach us because they didn't know. Also, misinformation has been passed on for generations and we're realizing that what we were taught about money mechanics has proved unsatisfactory money management practices. 

I want you to be knowledgeable and better prepared! I want to explain the various SAFE investment options and why Life Insurance is more powerful than them all.

I know what you're thinking!

The fear is that your history and experience have left a salty taste in your mouth but know that all policies are not the same, insurance agents aren't the same.

The fact is, insurance is the only tax-free place to grow money. 

Allows you to use the money while you’re living.


  • Money has to reside somewhere.
  • Where will you sit your money to give you the best benefit?
  • Do you even know all of your options? 
  • Where will you sit your money where you can protect it from loss, grow it despite the stock market corrections, access it if needed without paying penalties or having restrictions, be able to reduce your tax liabilities, and can even borrow from yourself when needed and never have to go into debt again?

Don't worry, you will learn all about it in this Safe Investments Academy!


Why is the money tax-free and what does that mean?

This was sanctioned by congress - a tax code that allows you to enjoy your money tax-free.