Would you like to get into the 700 club in the next 12 months even though you recently filed bankruptcy or you have NO credit and don't know where to start?

What's Included?

  • How to increase your score without credit cards

  • Rapid Rescore - New Score in 2 days

  • Guaranteed Credit Approval without a credit check

  • How to Get off of the ChexSystems List

  • 5 Credit killers and Other Common Credit mistakes

  • Credit Handbook - Links and Resource

  • BONUS - The Secret Sauce That Holds it all Together ~ credit relapse is a real thing.

Wait List Pricing

  • Special Pricing

    Get on the waiting list and pay only $19 v. $67 once this mini course is released to the public.

This course is perfect for teenagers, college students, and those needing life after bankruptcy. Build your credit file the right way the first time. Saving you a great deal of time, stress & money.

Previous Clients

This is good information!!

by Darlene Tate ~ Seasoned Entrepreneur & National Tax Agency Owner

"I want to thank you for the nuggets you gave me. This is good stuff. You advised me on just 2 nuggets, and it made a world of difference with how I operate with my credit."