This is an email course. Each day you will receive a new continuing ed tip, hack, and shift to assist your virtual life insurance agent journey.

Daily you will receive an emailed tip, a description of how to implement, and a 7-10 minute video + audio with more details and examples. 

If you are the type of agent who wants all continuing education lessons + bonuses sent to you at once click the button below. 

Who will find value in this course:

The agent who wants to gain an edge over the other agents in the virtual space by working efficiently and effectively to avoid to overwhelm and timer suck. The agents who know they can be community superheroes and have a personal life at the same time without having to choose.

Who will NOT find value in this course:

The agent who is not willing to step outside of their comfort zone in order to pivot with the insurance industry and stay relevant with their clients who are seeking assistance in different ways than what they may be used to. 

The agents who would prefer to stick to the traditional ways of doing things can still be highly successful but it will definitely be much more difficult and burnout is highly possible. 

What will you learn?

You will learn simple personal development AND business development tweaks + enhancements that are easy to implement into your current business mode. The micro and some major shifts described here will position you ahead of the curve as the world around us continues to change.


Simple way to make your social media pretty and professional?
◾ How to keep up with your daily job responsibilities
◾ Turn your daily life into your consistent social media content
◾ Learn to pivot and reflect faster for constant business growth
◾ Simple trick to stop buying BAD leads
◾ Stop expecting your upline to show you how to be a business owner.  Do this instead
◾ Mini Photo Shoot at home

    1. Get Your Course Tech Questions Answered:

    2. Letter From The Instructor

    3. Course Breakdown

    1. Day 1: The Biggest Virtual Agent Myth

    2. Day 2: Create a Job That You Love

    3. Day 3: Monetize Your Quote Seekers

    4. Day 4: Mini Photoshoot at Home

    5. Day 5: Comfortable Lead Generating Strategy

    6. Day 6: CEO Days

    7. Day 7: What if you could get FREE professional business and lifestyle photos?

    8. Day 8: Know Your Daily * Job Requirements * As Business Owner

    9. Day 9: It's Not Your Upline Job To Turn You Into A Business Owner

    10. Day 10: ONLY Purchase Good Leads

    11. Day 11: When your failure is a #win

    12. Day 12: Use Social Media Regularly

    13. Day 13: Be Sure You Are Pretty

    14. Day 14: You Are A Sales Person

    15. Day 15: Business Snapshit & Business Plan

    16. Day 16: Adopt The 1 To Many Business Model

    17. Day 17:Become A Referral GURU

    18. Day 18: Divorce Your Business

    19. Day 19: Start Building A List

    20. Day 20: How to Leverage your fiduciary status to protect your sales pipeline

About this course

  • $47.00
  • 23 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content